Triple Channel Instructions

Triple Channel Bracelet Supplies - This project uses (350) 18ga 3.5mm ID and (100) 18ga 3.25mm ID jump rings to complete a bracelet 7" to 9". Approx. (75-85) 6mm Round or Round Faceted Beads -see chart, .010" diameter flex wire, .5mm crimp (optional). If you want an easier version of this project, try our traditional single channel project.

Overview: The Triple Channel chain consists of four identical chains made from 18ga 3.5mm Jump Rings. The chains are linked together with smaller 18ga 3.25mm Jump Rings. 6mm Round or Round Faceted beads are laced into the chain using a fine diameter flex wire.

This project uses the following size jump rings.


STEP 1: The Starter

STEPS (1 - 6) Use the same size 18ga 3.5mm ID Jump Rings

Close a 3.5mm ID jump ring. Cut a 5" length of craft wire and twist on to create a handle.

If you are new to jump rings, please visit the Open/Close Jump Ring tutorial.


  Triple Channel Step 1

STEP 2: Link Two

Open a new jump ring and attach it to the first. Open a second jump ring and attach it to the first ring so that it sits along side. You should now have a single jump ring with two rings hanging from it.


The chain is a simple 1-2-1-2 link.

  Triple Channel Step 2

STEP 3: Link One

Add one new ring to the previous two (left side of the photo)

The right side of the photo shows the pattern repeat. Continue adding jump rings in the 1-2-1-2 pattern to create the chain.

  Triple Channel Step 3

STEP 4: Make an Eight Inch Chain

Repeat steps 2 & 3 until you have a chain that is approximately 8" long.

You can use the sizing chart to determine how many rings your bracelet will require. Example: A 7.5" bracelet uses 24 beads. Each double ring set holds one bead (except the first and last set) Your chain should have 24 double ring sets + 2 (first/last) for a total of 26 double ring sets.

  Triple Channel Step 4

STEP 5: Create an Identical Chain

Now that you have your basic chain, make another 8" chain using the same technique. Two chains make a single, Three chains make a double, Create a total of Four chains for this triple project.

Notice how the double rings align. Keeping them parallel will be important for a successful chain.

  Triple Channel Step 5

STEP 6: The Zipper

Attach the single ring on the left chain to the matching single ring on the right using the smaller 18ga 3.25mm ID jump rings.
  Triple Channel Step 6

STEP 7: Keep them Aligned

It is important to keep the chains parallel and facing the same way as you "zipper" them together. It may help to hang the chain in front of you while you add the rings. A toothpick or wood skewer can help align the rings and avoid mistakes.

  Triple Channel Step 7

STEP 8: Complete the First Column

Continue to add the 18ga 3.25mm ID "zipper" until you reach the end of the chain.
  Triple Channel Step 8

STEP 9: Add the Next Chain

Same procedure illustrated in Step 6. Add 18ga 3.25mm ID jump rings linking the single rings together.

  Triple Chanel Step 9

STEP 10: Zipper Chain # Three

As you link the chains together, Use a toothpick to keep the chain parallel. Do not let the chain twist as you "zipper" them together. Link the chains to the bottom.

  Triple Channel Step 10

STEP 11: Zipper Chain # Four

Same procedure as above. Use the 18ga 3.25mm ID jump rings linking the single rings from chain to chain. Again use a toothpick to keep the chains parallel.
  Triple Channel Step 11

STEP 12: Placing the Beads

The chain forms channels that will hold the beads. The beads will be lashed in one column at a time. Work down to the end, then start a new column and repeat.


  Triple Channel Step 12

STEP 13: Add the Clasp to one End

The chain end is a rectangle with four pairs of jump rings at the end, your goal is to reduce 4 connections to 2, then 2 to 1.

(1) 18ga 3.5mm ID jumpring to pairs 1 & 2,
(1) 18ga 3.5mm ID jumpring to pairs 3 & 4.
then attach (1) ring to the (2) rings you just added

  Triple Channel Step 13

STEP 14: Lash in the Beads

Thread a 6mm Round Bead on to the center of a 3ft. piece of Soft Touch .010" flex wire. Beads sit in a channel formed by a pair of 18ga 3.5mm ID jump rings on the left and right, and single 18ga 3.25mm ID on the top and bottom.

First double set of rings are left blank!! Find the second set from the top and start there.

Center the bead in the channel and thread the flex wire out each double ring.


STEP 15: Thread the Right Side

Take the right side of the wire and go thru the set of rings from the outside to the inside. The image below is from the standard channel instruction set, it may be easier to see.step-12

  Triple Channel Step 15

STEP 16: Add a Bead

String a 6mm Round or Round Faceted bead on to the flex wire on the right. Thread the end of the flex wire through the ring set on the left.

  Triple Channel Step 16

STEP 17: Thread the Left Side

Take the flexwire from the left side and thread it through the first ring set, then the bead, and out the second ring set. The flexwire should criss cross inside the bead. Pull tight.

The image below is from the standard channel instruction set, it may be easier to see.Step 16 - Channel  Chain

  Triple Channel Step 17

STEP 18: Check your Ends, then Repeat to the End

Before you get too far, check the ends of the flex wire and make sure they are both the same length.

Repeat steps 15, 16 & 17 for each bead. Pull ends snug after each bead. (Allow the chain to "caterpillar" or scrunch up. You will straighten the chain flat at the end of the project)

Last set of rings, like the first are left blank!

Review. The flex wire enters the channel from the outside of the chain, thru the double jump rings, through the bead and back out the double jump rings on the other side. Same routine for both ends of the flex wire.

  Triple Channel Step 18

STEP 19: Add the Other End of the Clasp

Check your project length. Adding the beads makes the chain a little shorter. If the length is correct you can add the other end of the clasp and tie off the column.

Same method as in Step 13. Reduce (4) pairs to (2), then (2) rings to (1).

If you are choosing a Ring & Toggle, (as shown) add a couple extra rings on the Toggle side to make it easier to take on and off.

  Triple Channel Step 19

STEP 20: Weave Back

In order to hide the knot/crimp and make the connection more secure, we are going to weave back into the chain.

Using the same lashing techniques weave back one bead.

  Triple Channel Step 20

STEP 21: Move the Flexwire to the Same Side

Thread one side of the flexwire through one additional bead. This will allow both ends of the flexwire to be on the same side of the chain.

Both sides are now together. Tie the two ends together using a square knot or surgeon's knot. To secure the knot from untying, use a small .5mm crimp bead or a drop of bead glue (hypo cement recommended)

Flatten out the chain with your fingers and the crimp will pull up into the chain making it less visible. Trim the excess flexwire.

  Triple Channel Step 21

STEP 22: Repeat Steps 14 thru 21

For each additional column of bead, repeat steps 14 thru 21. Adding the columns

  Triple Channel Step 22


Use the sizing chart to determine the number of beads necessary for a single column. (For the project above multiply x3) 22 = 7"; 23 = 7.25; 24 = 7.5", 25 = 7.75"; 26 = 8"
*Based on the average clasp length of 3/4"; 1 bead increases length by 1/4"


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